Perpetually Positive

Exploring techniques that Rowan University students do to cope with stress and negative thoughts

Farewell..Its been fun!

on May 3, 2016

Sadly, the semester is coming to a close and unfortunately, so is this blog. Like I said in my introduction post, this blog was a requirement for my Online Journalism course at Rowan University. Although this was a mandatory assignment, I had so much fun with it and learned SO much!

How we, as college students, choose to de-stress and stay positive throughout our busy lives, can be different from other students. Some gravitate towards more physical activities and others go towards more of a verbal and cathartic vibe. No matter what the strategy is, all that matters is that you have at least one to de-stress at the end of the day. There are hundreds of techniques that you can do and if you haven’t found one yet, keep a look out at your local events or university activities.

If you missed out on any of my posts, here are five of my favorite ones!

  1. Yoga With a Twist!
  2. Spotlight: Lindsay Mason, a Licensed Professional Counselor at Rowan
  3. Famous Failures: 10 prominent figures that initially were not successful
  4. A walk through Rowan University’s beautiful campus
  5. Rowan’s Writing Center: A de-stressing place to be tutored

Thanks for reading my blog! I hope you all stay positive and keep on spreading it!

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